Since the trip to Denmark, having spent a whole day with fishermen from Thorupstrand using a Danish seine net, I’ve decided I have to learn more about the different types of fishing methods there are. Because probably as many amongst you, I had never heard of a Danish seine net and had no clue that it is one of the more sustainable ways of fishing for demersel fish.
And here’s the punchline for why I’m writing this post, before my intended article about the different commercial fishing methods and their environmental impact. Because…
Before you can actually begin to understand the difference between trawling, linefishing, gillnets, dredge and so on you must have basic knowledge of what species live in the sea.
Each species or type of fish has a different prefered environment and hence are fished for in a different way. So may I present the visual outcome of my research to try and get you acquainted with the different species that live in the North Sea.
Pay Attention: although the species depicted below are native to the North Sea that doesn’t mean the one you bought was actually caught there.
Many of the fish that we buy today at the grocery store and even our local fishmonger are caught elsewhere, frozen and then shipped all over the world.
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Pelagic fish live mostly closely underneath the water surface. They have a blue green back to protect themselves from birds and sea predators.
Small pelagic fish (often schooling) eat microscopic plants and animals drifting near the ocean surface and serve as a food source for other animals such as larger fish, seabirds and marine mammals.
Common species include:
Demersal fish, also known as ground fish, live and feed on or near the bottom of seas, which usually consist of mud, sand, gravel or rocks. Their colour can range from silver grey to red and contain little fish oil (one to four percent),
Demersal fish can be divided into two main types:
Benthopelagic fish inhabit the water just above the bottom, feeding on benthos and zooplankton.Most demersal fish are benthopelagic.
Benthic fish which can rest on the sea floor, commonly known as flatfish.
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