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The preserve journal - Preserving the Northsea

Over a year ago we had the honor of smoking fish with one of the last traditional artisans transforming fish still working in the Frisian Islands of the Netherlands. We wanted to tell you all about it, but something got in the way. That something was an invitation to have the story published in the Preserve Journal, issue no. 8. So it is with great pleasure that this month our story was at long last presented to the world.

The Preserve Journal is a Denmark-based magazine that features stories, interviews, recipes and more. They, like us, reflect on the multiple intentions inherent to the conept of preservation. Whether it be acts of conservation for the environment, storing techniques used by artisan on local ingredients or otherwise. The magazine stresses harmony with the planet and the social justice that such harmony can regenerate. The publication is distributed all over Europe and the world. So that means if you’re still living in the USA, you might be able to find a copy. If not, you can even order one here. Their website says its the best:

An independent print publication dedicated to the exploration of a more sustainable, resilient and responsible food culture.

The preserve journal - Preserving the Northsea

Our Story

The story we contributed to the current issue describes an autumn day spent with Hans, an artisan of smoked fish. We spent several hours in the smokehouse, sharing meals and listening to his stories. In the afternoon, people began lining up for the perfectly flavored trout and salmon products we together had made.

What surprised us the most when conversing with the octogenarian was his insistence on maintaining the traditions passed down through his family. An insistence that seemed to both reject the current the state of the sea and simultaneously acknowledge the potential extinctions to come. He joked by adding that when he died, the only use left for the smoker he uses will be as a casket. We have to wonder where such a desire comes from and ultimately, where it can lead us.

Preserve Journal

We are so proud to have been included in this fascinating magazine. The editors are keen to consider the juxtaposing ideas and conflicting imaginations of chefs, farmers, fishers and scholars. There are a diversity of voices from around the global. Each one questioning the role food, its procurement and its preparation, has to play in transforming our current economy into a dynamo for justice.

Joseph Puglisi

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About the Authors

About us

Joseph Puglisi (travel writer. & photographer) - Jennifer Schleber (Chef)

Setting off in Scandinavia, known for its fierce seafaring history,…

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